Save the Date: General Press Conference/Announcement of the programm 2014: April 2, 2014, 11 a.m.
Here you will find press releases, dates, image material and information about press tickets.
* press releases
* photos of the venues, of the productions and portraits of the artists
* audio files
* press tickets (see below)
On the right hand side you will soon find our current press pack 2ß14 and the performance schedule as PDF files. Photos of the various productions will be continuously updated throughout the festival.
Archive 2012
* archive 2012
Use of the image material requires a one-off registration. To register, please complete the form that has been prepared for you. After reviewing your data, we will grant you access and send you an e-mail confirming this. Please use your login details to gain access via Login to the secure site containing the image material. The copyright line must be mentioned in your publication. We kindly request a copy or link be sent to us.
Press tickets / Accreditation
For press tickets please use the here attached accreditation formular (Email or fax) or contact . We will send you a formal confirmation of your tickets as soon as possible.
Press database
To receive regular information via our press distribution service, please refer directly to our press office or use the registration form in our press area.
Hendrik von Boxberg
T +49 209 605071 37
Sarah Kaes
Press Assistant
T +49 209 605072 10
T +49 209 605071 37
F +49 209 605071 42
Kultur Ruhr GmbH
Leithestraße 35
45886 Gelsenkirchen