No Education
(c) Rainer Schlautmann
Projects No Education:
Hidden Mother: Audio Graffiti
Dan Perjovschi: www - wall window workshop 2013
Mammalian Diving Reflex: Childrens Choice Awards
In No Education, the Ruhrtriennale invites artists from around the world to develop an innovative program in which young people can take over space for aesthetic experience, exchange, and experimentation. Each project is examined thoroughly beforehand: is it egalitarian? Is it accessible without prior knowledge? Does it contribute to an enlightened understanding of an intercultural society? Does it promote new artistic developments? In so doing, the artists do not teach the young people what they know or can do, but encourage and empower them to make their own way through the jungle of signs, to bring in their intuitional knowledge, and to report of their experience.
In practice, projects like this are often reduced to two pragmatic questions. How much does it cost, and what remains in the end? But we should not lose faith in the lasting power of the transient and restive minds. Artists, whose play explodes the bonds of relations and beyond anything that is constraint, are difficult to grasp with the tool of sustainability, and enjoy escaping its overuse. Sustainable thinking and acting also entails acknowledging that there is a realm of aesthetic experience that escapes expected acts of transfer and whose forms of appearance are not immediately and directly assessable. It remains permanently temporary.
As soon as the visionary horizon of a society is defined by culture and art, both are no longer products to be marketed, but need to be seen as a source, a potential that exists in all of us and is available to everyone. Festivals are perhaps the tools that can help to broaden this perspective. They can be both: generate ideas and implement them in the real world. No Education shows that silent marvel and quiet research can be a basic answer to the flood of impulses and demands around us.
No Education 2013: Stockholm-based group Hidden Mother, Rumanian artist Dan Perjovschi, Canadian director Darren O’Donnell with his group Mammalian Diving Reflex and the Children’s Choice Awards.
Funded by Kemnader Kreis