Claus Leggewie holds the position of director of the institute for cultural studies Essen since 2007. In 2012 he became co-director of the Käte Hamburger-Kolleg Centre for Global Cooperation Research at the University Duisburg-Essen.

His main research topics are ClimaCulture, InterCulture and CommemorativeCulture, his ongoing research projects are at the Käte Hamburger-Kolleg Centre for Global Cooperation Research as well as at the Graduate Kolleg ›Challenges of Democracy caused by the Climate Change‹ which is supported by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Before taking on the position at the institute for cultural studies Essen, Leggewie taught political science at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. He has also taught at the New York University, the Université Paris-Nanterre and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna and Berlin.

Leggewie has published numorous essays and books, most recently Zukunft im Süden. Wie die Mittelmeerunion Europa wiederbeleben kann. Edition Köber-Stiftung 2012. He is publisher of blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Berlin as well as Transit, Wien.
