
Helmut Lachmann: Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern

freitagsküche is not a restaurant, although it looks like one. There’s food, tables, cooks, guests, chairs, tablecloths. At our unusual venues, people are invited in a personal atmosphere to eat and discuss, listen and drink. Over a shared dinner, based on the ideas of the members of the audience, locals and guests from abroad meet with the various ›experts‹ from the Ruhrtriennale and the festival’s artists, a collective event where art and life enter into a culinary combination.   


— 20. September
Time — in connection to the respective performance
— 10.00 €
Reduced prices start at 10,00 €

Tickets - € 10 (excluding drinks) / no discount

  • Fri20Sep
    freitagsküche on 20. September 2013 at 10.30 PM
* The decision whether and when tickets can be returned for sale is usually based on artistic reasons. Frequently it is only evident during the rehearsal process or the technical preparations whether technical barriers, for example, may be moved or removed. In such an event, seats and therefore also tickets will become available. Current information is available in our TicketServiceMail.


Harry Partch: Delusion of the Fury
1. September 2013
The Last Adventures
6. September 2013
Maschinenhalle Zweckel, Gladbeck
Rimini Protokoll: Situation Rooms
13. September 2013
Heiner Goebbels: Stifters Dinge — The Unguided Tour
27. September 2013
Gebläsehalle, Duisburg
Playing Cards: HEARTS
4. October 2013
Mischanlage, Essen
Funded by NRW.BANK under the Innovationspool 2012–2014.