FC Bergman

FC Bergman is part of a new generation of young actors and screenwriters whose work is shaped by performance, happenings, dance and film. Emerging from the same class at an Antwerp theater school, the group consists of six actors and screenwriters who have found a temporary location for their work at Antwerp’s Toneelhuis. Their name pays homage to the spirit of the collective (FC) and the universal power of the image (Ingmar Bergmann). The world premiere of 300 el x 50 el x 30 el in the framework of the Klepper Festival in 2011 in Antwerp was a surprise hit, bringing the group to prominence overnight. 

In 2009, FC Bergman was awarded the Young Theatre Prize at the Belgian festival Theater Aan Zee for their adaptation of Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming (2008). With Walk along the Champs-Elysées with a tortoise so as to have a better look at the world, but it is difficult to drink tea on an ice floe if everyone is drunk (2009), the group was nominated for Nederlands Theaterfestival. FC Bergmann is currently collaborating with Ensemble Kaleidoskop and the writer Josse de Pauw on their first opera production, Van den Vos, based on the epic “Reynard the Fox.” The premiere is planned for December 2013.
