Terms and Conditions
I. General Scope
Kultur Ruhr GmbH is the organiser of the annual Ruhrtriennale. When purchasing admission tickets to the Ruhrtriennale and with regards to the rights pertaining to purchase of admission tickets, the following general terms and conditions apply.
II. Prices
Valid prices are those printed at the time in the events programme of the Ruhrtriennale. The stated prices contain all charges including statutory value-added-tax. Unless stated otherwise, remaining tickets will be available from the box office ninety minutes before the start of the events/performances.
Unless otherwise stated, discounts on all tickets to those events organised by the organisers will be granted to school children, students (up to 26 years of age), those doing national or community service, trainees and the unemployed. Original documentation has to be produced when purchasing tickets and when visiting the events/performances in order to be eligible for such tickets in line with Point 1. If eligibility cannot be verified during the performance then payment of the difference between the reduced and the regular ticket price will be required.
III. Obligations and Duties of the Client
The number of admission tickets, the price, the date, the performance and performance venue should be checked immediately upon receipt of the despatched tickets. The postmark, fax report or email transmission report will be material to any claim. Subsequent claims can not be recognised.
Admission tickets purchased from the box office or from a ticket agency are similarly to be checked upon purchase in terms of the desired seating category, price category and event/performance. Subsequent claims can not be recognised.
All mobile phones and other electronic appliances are to be turned off before the client takes his/her seat as specified on the admission ticket so that the performance can run free of any disturbance. Any right to the purchased seat is lost after the start of the event/performance. Patrons who arrive at a performance after the advertised starting time no longer have a right to the seat they have purchased. In cases such as these claims cannot be made for a refund of the admission ticket price.
For reasons of copyright, all audio, photo and film recordings for private purposes are forbidden.
IV. Cancellation and return rights, replacement claims.
The return and exchange of admission tickets are ruled out as a matter of principle. Any admission tickets mislaid or destroyed by the client will be neither replaced nor refunded. Equally there can be no replacement of admission tickets that have been despatched/posted.
Cast and programme may be subject to change and do not entitle the client to return the admission ticket. The ticket price will be refunded if an event/performance is cancelled before the start or within the first half of the event/performance running time. As a rule refunds will be made by bank transfer if the admission ticket(s) and bank details are sent to Kultur Ruhr GmbH within six weeks of the planned event/performance. The right to refund is not valid if the event/performance is cancelled due to force majeure, strike, illness or other events for which the organiser can not be held responsible.
V. Passing on Admission Tickets
Admission tickets are sold exclusively for private use. In particular the following are prohibited:
selling admission ticket(s) on Internet auction sites;
selling admission ticket(s) commercially;
passing on admission ticket(s) privately at a price higher than that given on the admission ticket;
Passing on or using the admission ticket(s) for the purposes of marketing, as a bonus, promotional gift, prize or part of a hospitality or travel package if not previously approved by the organisers in writing.
Should the admission ticket be used for the aforementioned illegal purposes, then the admission ticket becomes invalid. In which case the organisers have the right to cancel the admission ticket and to refuse the owner of the admission ticket entry to the event without compensation.
Any further claims to compensation remain unaffected hereof. The organisers retain the right to exclude persons who are in breach of the aforementioned prohibitions from purchasing admission tickets in the future.
VI. Vouchers
Vouchers from the presenter can be redeemed at authorized points of sale for entry tickets to all events, as long as tickets are still available for the relevant performances. The original voucher must be presented. Vouchers can only be credited at the time of purchase. They cannot be redeemed against tickets already purchased. If the value of the voucher is not sufficient to cover the order, the remainder will billed.
Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash. Cash payment of remainders is not possible. Any remaining sum will be transferred to a new voucher.
VII. Printing Your Own Tickets (Ticketdirect)
The transfer of purchased entry tickets to the Ticketdirect system is done directly by the customer by the customer printing out the electronically transmitted entry ticket. The customer has the right to print out one copy of the purchased ticket for the purposes agreed, he has no right to produce numerous copies or to reproduce the printed entry ticket – in whatever form – in order to sell the reproductions or in order to allow himself or others unpermitted access to the event. The customer must take all reasonable steps to prevent the reproduction of entry tickets by third parties. The presenter reserves the right to demand reimbursement of any costs from any customer whose entry ticket has been illegally copied due to his negligence caused by the reproduction of that ticket. The single use code on Ticketdirect entry tickets will be validated at the venue electronically using the appropriate scanners. Entry tickets whose code is illegible or has already been validated will not be permitted entry to the event. The presenter does not indemnify the customer against loss caused by the illegal reproduction or misuse of a Ticketdirect entry ticket, unless the presenter has caused that loss by serious negligence at the very least. Otherwise terms and conditions apply as describes elsewhere in our terms and conditions regarding entry tickets.
VIII. Rights to one’s own image
By purchasing an admission ticket and by entering the event/performance spaces the visitor is agreeing to allow possible images of his/her person and reproduction of his/her voice in any media coverage.
IX. Liability
The presenter takes no responsibility for clothing or other items.
The presenter’s liability for damages or costs – regardless of the cause - will only be accepted when the damages or costs arise from the presenter or one of its sub-contractors failing culpably in a duty whose fulfilment is facilitated by the orderly execution of the contract and upon whose observance the customer can usually rely (contractual duty) or from an explicit or grossly negligent failure of duty by the presenter or one of its sub-contractors. If the presenter is liable for failure in a contractual duty without gross negligence or intent, the presenter’s liability is then limited to such damages as are typical and can be foreseen. The same limited liability applies to damages which are caused by gross negligence or intent by the presenter’s staff or those working on its behalf when such persons do not belong to its directorate or senior management.
The limits of liability mentioned in paragraph 2. above do not apply to valid claims which arise from loss of life, physical injury or damage to health.
No further liability for damage or costs is admitted other than those in paragraphs 2. and 3. – regardless of the legal status of the claim. This particularly applies for any claims for damages due to debiting on completion of contract, failure of duty according to § 280 BGB or on grounds of taste. Just as claims for damages against the presenter are disallowed or restricted by this paragraph, the same applies to any personal claim for damages against the presenter’s staff, employees, workers, representatives and voluntary helpers.
The presenter accepts no liability for damage to property or expenses incurred in travelling to events which have been cancelled or postponed. Visitors making a long journey are therefore advised to confirm the status of the event shortly before departure.
X. Saving data
The presenter has the right to save data received in the process of reserving or purchasing tickets and to use it for this purpose. This data will not be passed to third parties.
XI. Final provisions
German law applies exclusively.
The location for all legal and judicial purposes for all claims between the presenter and merchants or legal representatives of public bodies or public funding organizations is Gelsenkirchen, in the absence of any irrefutable legal claims to the contrary.
In the event of any individual provision above becoming inoperative or being superceded by a specific agreement, this will not affect the effectiveness of the other provisions in any way.