Spielzeit 26.08. - 09.10.

Tamar für Kinder

A Musical Installation by Rupert Huber

World premiere
Art and Musical director
Stage, Costumes, Light
Lighting Designer
c. 1 hour

The musical play Tamar by Rupert Huber tells of the importance of the palm tree, of the Tree of Life that stood in the middle of the Garden of Eden. In the Kabbalah, i. e. Jewish mysticism, the palm tree has three properties: the scent of incense, the colour of gold and the date fruit. Across the whole of the early Orient, the date fruit has always been of great symbolic importance. Even in pre-Islamic times, the palm tree stood for life-force, survival, fertility, augury and protection.

During the matinee performance we are offering children the opportunity to experience the musical installation Tamar up close, right in the midst of the music being created. Before the concert we will talk to the children about our research project in the palm groves belonging to the Sultan of Oman and then lead them through the musical installation.

The Junge Triennale is supported by Kemnader Kreis e.V. and WAZ.