A motorway flyover with cars sounding like space ships, a pedestrian zone set to music as an action film of consumption, or a blooming allotment with the soundtrack of an unemployed foreman: at the heart of this project is a truck which changes our view of the city. This lorry has been rebuilt as a mobile auditorium and equipped with a giant window on one side. With 49 passengers on board, it drives to distinctive, unknown, lively and out of the way points in the city.
For seven locations in Duisburg artists have been invited to create seven short radio plays. Each of these locations and what is happening in them are given “five minutes of fame” as they are turned into plays without performers, films whose soundtrack is added live or ready-made images for a radio play. Everything that happens outside the window in those five minutes becomes part of the track. The Duisburg Album is the third tour of Truck Tracks Ruhr, a concept by Rimini Protokoll, produced by Urbane Künste Ruhr, which travel through a total of seven cities in the region.
The tour starts and finishes at the Lehmbruck Museum. The seven locations in the album are visited one after another. The truck stops, the screen reveals the image and the play of the city begins. After 5 minutes, the journey continues. Between stops the city passes by like a road movie in a site-specific sound composition – as if the Ruhr region were the setting for a movie taking place directly behind this wide screen.