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gOLDeN hOuRS (aS YoU LIKe It)

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Rosas

Anne van Aerschot

The twin title ‘Golden Hours (As You Like It)’ refers to a meeting between ‘Another Green World’ by Brian Eno and Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’, a remarkable comedy in which the characters of the lovers escape from the corrupt court and take refuge in the idyllic Forest of Arden, in which time has ceased to exist.  

What happens when Shakespeare’s rhythms and his poetic imagery are turned into dance where text, movement and attention emanate from thinking bodies? How can one represent listening to a partner who expresses himself through dance and otherwise remains mute?  Games of glances, of lovers’ gestures and steps, bring to light an enchanted world of characters and their whimsical manners.  Striking a delicate balance between formal abstraction and concrete gestures, they dance on uninterrupted through intricate entanglements, masquerades and games of seduction, misunderstandings and silliness. The viewer is absorbed by the intensity and sensuality of a bright but gently ironic world whose language does not need to be decoded in order to be understood.


Created with and performed by - Aron Blom, Linda Blomqvist, Tale Dolven, Carlos Garbin, Tarek Halaby, Mikko Hyvönen, Veli Lehtovaara, Sandra Ortega Bejarano, Elizaveta Penkova, Georgia Vardarou, Sue-Yeon Youn
