A variety theatre in Paris. Everyone is waiting for the performance of Nana, the daughter of a washerwoman Gervaise who died of poverty and alcohol, whom we got to know in 2015 in the first part of Luk Perceval’s Zola trilogy. Saccard is waiting too. He’s already heard a lot about this pretty new girl, who sends sparks flying on the streets and the stages of the capital. Saccard is busy founding a great enterprise with which he intends to travel the whole of the Mediterranean and conquer the Orient. Syria will be the springboard for his operations. Capital will create wonders.
With ‘Money’, Luk Perceval continues his ‘Trilogy of my Family’. The first part, ‘Love’, premiered in the Gießhalle in Duisburg in 2015. In ‘Money’, addiction remains a key motif of the family saga: in this case not as a craving for alcohol and love but in the form greed for money and rapidly increasing profits. Émile Zola, whose novels ‘Nana’, ‘The Ladies’ Paradise’ and ‘Money’ provide the sources for this stage trilogy, delivers precise eye witness accounts of the naive enthusiasm with which the first large department stores were built and great stock exchange transactions were conducted. Blinded by their visions of infinite expansion, his characters fly towards the sun on wings made of wax.
Bourdoncle/Kritiker -
Tilo Werner
Der Theaterdirektor Bordenave -
Rafael Stachowiak
Dr. Ramond/Der Schauspieler Hector -
Pascal Houdus
Der Regenschirmmacher Bourras -
Patrick Bartsch
Dr. Pascal -
Stephan Bissmeier
Clothilde -
Marie Jung
Martine -
Oda Thormeyer
Félicité/Graf Muffat -
Barbara Nüsse
Madame Caroline -
Gabriela Maria Schmeide
Saccard -
Sebastian Rudolph
Nana -
Maja Schöne
Madame Lerat/Denise -
Patrycia Ziolkowska
With -
Nikolai Gemel, Valentin Richter, Sebastian Doppelbauer, Thore Lüthje
Live music -
Ferdinand Försch