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Forum & Dialogue


Carolin Emcke

Andreas Labes

On Translation

The Ruhrtriennale 2016 will be opened with a speech by Carolin Emcke, one of Germany’s most prominent commentators and awarded with the Peace Price of the German Book Trade 2016.

In her exclusive opening speech ‘Vom Übersetzen’ (“On Translation”) she will speak on the value of equality.

Carolin Emcke was for many years an editor and international reporter for ‘Der Spiegel’ and ‘Die Zeit’, reporting from conflict and crisis zones including Afghanistan, Kosovo, Columbia, Lebanon, Gaza, Pakistan and Iraq. She has regularly written and lectured on topics such as globalization, theories of violence, war and cultural identity. She is a winner of the Theodor Wolff Prize, the Otto Brenner Prize for critical journalism, the German Reporter Prize, the “Journalist of the Year” Award and the Lessing Prize of the Free State of Saxony. Carolin Emcke will be awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2016. Her books include ‘Echoes of Violence: Letters from a War Reporter’, ‘Mute Violence – Thoughts about the Red Army Faction’, ‘How We Desire’ and the volume of essays ‘Because it Can be Said – Witnesses and Justice’.

(c) Siegersbusch Film/Ruhrtriennale 2016