The Children's Choice Awards

Mammalian Diving Reflex - Official Festivaljury

  • (c) Video: Ralf Görtz
  • © Stephan Glagla
    (c) Stephan Glagla
  • © Stephan Glagla
    (c) Stephan Glagla
  • © Stephan Glagla
    (c) Stephan Glagla
  • © Rainer Schlautmann
    (c) Rainer Schlautmann
  • © Rainer Schlautmann
    (c) Rainer Schlautmann
  • © Mammalian Diving Reflex
    (c) Mammalian Diving Reflex

You find the blog of the Children's Choice Awards here.

For the categories and winners of the Children's Choice Awards scroll down.

Children’s Choice Awards

Once again this year, children and young people will walk down the red carpet at our Ruhrtriennale premieres and take their place in the first row, the best seats in the house. At the same time, the entire audience is invited to see the concerts, dance, music, and theater performances from a child’s perspective, with the same curiosity. The participants in the Children’s Choice Awards are our official festival jury: entirely unbiased, they subject the entire festival program to critical inspection, confidently taking part in the subsequent artist conversations with questions and objections. “The show where I laughed the most,” “The most embarrassing costume,” “The best sound,” “The cutest guy,” “The best team,” or “The show that I almost left because I hated it so much”—these were only a few of the prize categories developed by the jury in 2012: a lively subversion of the festival that at the same time paid homage to contemporary art. An art that does not want to humble, but stands for a direct, unprejudiced experience.

The Children’s Choice Awards are an initiative of the prize-wining Canadian research and performance group Mammalian Diving Reflex. Since 1993, in their projects for and with young people they have been exploring new spaces for aesthetic experience, exchange and experimentation. The focus of their artistic practice is the notion of a competent child and an egalitarian relationship between children and adults. This is also the starting point for their workshops with the teachers of the participating classes. The artistic director of Mammalian Diving Reflex Darren O’Donnell questions our attitudes of expectation and power relations in the teacher-pupil relationship, revealing other forms of approach.

Small Talk in Daft Hell: New Work in Development

This year, the members of last year’s festival jury start off an unusual adventure. With the title Small Talk in Daft Hell, rituals, rules, and roles will be up for examination. Who are you? Who are we? And how can we get rid of all our collected mistakes and lonely fears?

The Children's Choice Awards
Mammalian Diving Reflex
Ruhrtriennale 2013

Das Beste vom Besten/Best of the best:
Rimini Protokoll: Situation Rooms

Einfach nur wow!/Only wow!:
Ryoji Ikeda: test pattern

Schönstes Bühnenbild/Most beautiful stage setting:
Dan Perjovschi: www 2013

Die schlimmsten Kostüme/Worst Costumes:
Harry Partch: Delusion of the Fury

Bester Körper/Best Body:
Bruno Beltrão & Grupo de Rua: CRACKz

Die berührendste Show/Most touching show:
ChorWerk Ruhr /Ensemble Resonanz: Ikon of Light

Die Show, die so spannend war, dass ich mitmachen wollte/The show that was so thrilling that I wanted to be part of it:
Douglas Gordon: Silence, Exile, Deceit

Das gruseligste Make-up/Most scary make-up:
Helmut Lachenmann: Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern

Die Show mit den ältesten Darstellern/The show with the oldest performers:
Metropolis: ACTUEL REMIX

Die Show, in der ich vor Schweiß wegschwimmen musste/The show where I had to swim away from all the sweat:
Boris Charmatz: Levée des conflits

Die Show, bei der ich am schnellsten eingeschlafen bin/The show where I fell asleep the fastest:
Gavin Bryars: The Sinking of the Titanic

Die langsamste Show/The slowest Show:
Helmut Lachenmann: Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern

Die Show, in der ich dachte wtf?/The show where I thought wtf?:
Stifters Dinge: The Unguided Tour

Der meiste Stromverbrauch/Most consumption of power:
Ryoji Ikeda: test pattern

Die Show, in der Musik und Tanz nicht zusammengepasst haben/The show where the music and dancing didn't go together:
Stuart / Gehmacher / Miller: the fault lines

Bester Regisseur/Best director:
William Forsythe: Nowhere and Everywhere

Die coolsten Töne/The coolest sounds:
Hidden Mother: Audio Graffiti

Die Show mit den verrücktesten Leuten, verrücktesten Klamotten und der verrücktesten Musik/The show with the craziest people, craziest clothes and craziest music:
Forced Entertainment & Tarek Atoui: The Last Adventures

Die Show, in der ich keine Gefühle hatte/The Show where I had no emotions:
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Boris Charmatz: Partita 2

Die Musik, die so langweilig war, dass ich mich gefragt habe, ob das überhaupt noch Musik ist/The music that was so boring that I asked myself if this was actually music:
Quay Brothers: In Absentia

Achtung Peinlichkeit!/Attention: embarassment!:
La Ribot: Laughing Hole

Die Show, bei der mein Trommelfell geplatzt ist/The show where my eardrums burst:
La Ribot: Laughing Hole

Ich will das Ding haben!/I want that thing!:
Stifters Dinge: Performance

Die Show, die irgendwie cool war, aber auch so langweilig, dass ich fast das ganze Stück gemalt habe/The show that was kind of cool but boring so I almost drew during the whole show:
Jonathan Harvey: Glasgow Trilogy, Alban Berg: Violinkonzert

Die verrückteste Gestik/The craziest gesture:
De Keersmaeker/Grisey: Vortex Temporum

So etwas wäre mir im Leben nicht eingefallen:
rAndom Internationel: Tower

Die spannendste Aufführung, die so spannend war, dass ich keinen Moment verpassen wollte/Most intense show that was so intense that I didn't want to miss a second:
Rimini Protokoll: Situation Rooms

Das Stück in dem ich mich verliebt habe/The show where I fell in love:
Mischa Kuball: Agora / Arena

Ohne Worte/Without words:
Konzerte im Maschinenhaus: Improvisation & Sound Art: Abdelnour & Battus

Die ranzigste Umgebung, aus der die Produktion aber viel gemacht hat/The ugliest setting of which the production made the best use of:

Festivaljury —
100 Kinder aus der Metropole Ruhr
Artistic Direction —
Artistic Collaboration —
Jana Marie Eiting, Jenna Winter
Host —
Damian Rebgetz
Children’s Choice Awards —
Gesamtschule Globus am Dellplatz Duisburg, Erich Kästner-Realschule Gladbeck, Willy-Brandt-Schule Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Parkschule Essen
Small Talk in Daft Hell —
Herbert Grillo-Gesamtschule Duisburg, Erich Kästner-Schule Bochum, Gesamtschule Gelsenkirchen Ückendorf


— 6. October
No Education
Entrance free

During the whole festival at different venues.

Project supporter

With the friendly support of Stiftung Mercator. Projectsponsor: Sparkassen in NRW (Rheinischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband, Sparkassenverband Westfalen-Lippe).

  • Sun 6Oct
    The Children's Choice Awards on 6. October 2013 at 4.00 PM
A Ruhrtriennale production.