Spielzeit 26.08. - 09.10.

Albert Ostermaier

Playwright and lyricist Albert Ostermaier published his first poems in 1988. His first play, Zwischen zwei Feuern. Tollertopographie appeared in 1993. He was made author-in-residence at the Nationaltheater Mannheim in 1996, at the Bayerischen Staatschauspiel in 1999, and has been author-in-residence at Vienna’s Burgtheater since 2003. Ostermaier’s poems and plays have been translated into twenty languages, making him one of the most-performed authors of the present day. In 2008 he published his first novel, Zephyr, as well as a volume of poetry, Wer sehen will. 2009 sees two new plays by Albert Ostermaier: Fratzen will premier at the Nationaltheater Manheim and Blaue Spiegel at the Berliner Ensemble. Amongst other prizes, he is recipient of the 1997 Ernst-Toller Prize and the 2003 Kleist Prize.
